Thursday, September 18, 2008

musings on a Friday

We've just had the Home League Rally at our Corps. It was exhausting but really a great morning was enjoyed by all. It was such a blessing to see the hall so completely packed. Wow I long to see that every Sunday.

As an Officer I am going through one of my philosophical moments. Is this what God really intended me to do until the day I die and is there life after Officership and what do I do when people I trust to make right decisions regarding my life make such obviously wrong decisions regarding my friends and fellow officers.

I guess the one thing that attaches itself to this mode of thinking is the lack of resources for the Corps programmes, the lack of resources for our allowance - we just got a huge increase (absolutely great) the Corps can't afford to give it to us neither can they give us our back pay -
But the Territory is in the process of centralising allowances etc. So maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel - who knows???

Enough of that I have been stunned at how God just always shows up at the party. We needed dog food. Visited a friend whose dog had just died and she asks me - can I give you the dog food we have here - OK thanks God! Then we needed something for one of the kids and again a Friend calls out of the blue offering me that very thing - these God incidents keep me on my feet and hold my heart carefully.

Nicole (my daughter) is getting ready to write her final exams!! I find it difficult to know that she will soon be at university and then out of the house. Teaching her to fly has been a difficult process but watching her fly alone has been tough for me.

Matthew and mark are great. They are really nice boys who make my heart so proud. Natalie will always be the one who pulls at our heartstrings because she always seems to be lost in a crowd. I pray for all four of these precious young adults that somehow each of them may make a positive change in everything they do and with everyone they come into contact.

Aristotle once said "for things we have to learn before we do them, we learn by doing them." - I have proven that statement over an over in my life. The best teacher is experience. Even in the writing of this blog I have had to learn while writing. I'm enjoying having a place that I can express my feelings and my emotions openly but at the same time I am aware of the potential risk factor as well. they dichotomy of feelings is what keeps me doing it - i think. I don't have to make sense to anyone other than myself - and even then I don't always understand all I think about either.

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